Emotion Media Factory has installed a new Multi-Media attraction system on board of AIDAPrima. AIDAprima is the flagship of AIDA Cruises, built by Mitsubishi Shipbuilding at their shipyard in Nagasaki, Japan.
First installation is based in Theatrium. This is a 3-deck high, big-capacity show lounge with a dynamic stage platform. Emotion Media Factory installed five laser system integrate into the stage show.
Second installation is in the BeachClub. This is 2-deck high relaxation oasis, covered with a transparent dome for tropical beach-like experience with plants and palm trees. At night, this area turns into a magnificent party scene. Emotion Media Factory installed six lasers for projection onto the roof and spectacular laser beam shows for the entire BeachClub combined with an indoor water screen. Exclusively for this area 140 minutes video content was produced for the BeachClub roof projection.
Emotion Media Factory experts equip the AIDA cruise vessels with special laser technology, which can withstand extreme climatic conditions as well as direct contact with sea water. The multimedia shows are developed, programmed and implemented on a remote basis. For all cruise liners new shows are created about 3 - 4 times per year. Totally over 40 shows are produced each year for AIDA Cruises. Currently, Emotion Media Factory works on the multimedia installation for the next vessel for AIDA Cruises.